In this workshop you will explore strategies to help you get what you want in life, through effective goal setting and goal getting.
The way they DIDN’T teach you at school, uni or work.
Learn mindset tools that keep you committed to your goals and get to know ways of creating a life you love and choose!
What will we cover?
- How to set goals in an effective way.
- A life long way that you can apply to all areas of life and all stages
- Three key mindsets that will see you kicking goals
- Language game changers that open doors and get yes’s
- Deep Dive into one main goal you really want to see come alive this year!
What will you need?
- Pencil, pen and paper
- Closed Captions
- Early Bird Cheap Tix
- Free Tix for First Nation Attendees
- Auslan Interpreter Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Ange (she/her) is the Founder & Head Goal Coach, motivator, athlete + lover of coffee from My Goal Squad.
Ange is a passionate goal setter and goal kicker herself, wakes up driven and excited by the purpose and clarity that her goals give her.
My Goal Squad is known for helping its clients get really clear on what their dream life is, what drives them, then supports them in creating the kick arse goals backed by positive support, to achieve them.
Important info:
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash
Any other accessibility requests or questions? Just email delsi (she/her) at