What’s it all about?
Are you missing out on opportunities for fear of the unknown? Is your comfort zone not so comfortable anymore? Do you ‘shoulda’, ‘coulda’, ‘woulda’ too often? Are you playing it safe for fear of being judged?
Your comfort zone is like a bad relationship – hard to break away from, but once you do it, your future self will thank you for it. Letting go of what’s not supporting you is like letting go of that bad relationship: challenging, often messy and full of uncertainty. With the right tools and perspective, you can begin to trust yourself, take risks and be your authentic self.
Authenticity isn’t always the comfortable option. Choosing to keep it real over being liked is about playing it unsafe and stepping out of your comfort zone.
What will we cover?
In this class we’re going to look at:
- Steps to ditch the zone
- How to start letting go of perfectionism, judgment and fear
- How to start being more productive and resilient
- What it takes to be your authentic self
Who will be teaching?
Dara Simkin works with people of all ages to get them out of their heads and into the present moment. She is a certified mindset coach and loves teaching the concept of ego, because she believes self-awareness is paramount in living a fulfilled life. She’s battled with her inner pessimist for many years and is excited to share her knowledge on how to keep it under wraps.