What’s is all about?
Many of us spend a lot of time focusing on physical health and fitness. But we forget that our brains need exercise too – after all, it is often our thoughts that determine our actions, so it’s best to make them positive!
This class is a workout for the mind through a series of writing exercises.
The art of writing with a pen is often lost in our digital world. However, there is something powerful about putting pen to paper. It helps clarify our ideas and encourages a deeper sense of purpose and identity.
We will learn to harness the power of words and understand how writing things down can help unlock our creative potentials.
What will we cover?
This class will be like a physical workout with a personal trainer, but tailored for your brain! The writing exercises will be structured like mental cardio/strength repetitions and stretches.
The exercises will uncover:
- The power of alliteration
- The strength in quotes
- Our unique abilities, skills, talents
- Our individual passions and interests
- How to use writing as a powerful tool to create a positive mindset.
This interactive workshop will motivate you to use the written word and how it can impact the way you think, feel and behave. Please bring a notebook or something that you enjoy writing in and be ready to leave feeling energised, and with your notebook full of positive and empowering words to reflect on!
Who will be teaching?