Give yourself happy hands, able to be fluid, soft and strong. Explore touch that nurtures, heals and communicate. Practise consent negotiations, especially giving yourself permission to say ‘no’.
Our hands are the prime way we do things in the world- tapping on a computer keyboard, cooking a meal, knitting a scarf. Touch is our prime way of connecting and communicating- hugging a friend, comforting a child, caressing a lover, stroking a pet.
And consent conversations are of prime importance in negotiating our tactile contact- can I hold your hand? Can I touch you to carry out this medical procedure? Can I give you a hug? Could you please massage my shoulders?
What will we cover?
Intriguing and enjoyable Feldenkrais movement exercises to improve hand coordination. The exercises are pleasant and relaxing yet powerful in their effect. You can continue the exercises at home for ongoing maintenance of healthy hand function, to keep your hands happy!
We will practise consent negotiations, including saying ‘no’ and experiencing receiving a ‘no’.
There will be an optional practice of giving and receiving a simple arm massage (and you will have already learned to be comfortable with saying ‘no’ if you don’t want to do this practice. And your ‘no’ will be honoured and appreciated).
- Wheelchair Accessible Venue
- Gender Neutral Bathrooms
- Discounted Early Bird tickets
- Free Ticket for First Nation Attendees
- Auslan Interpreter (Upon Request)
Who will be teaching?
Ralph Hadden is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner based in Melbourne. He is one of Australia’s most experienced Feldenkraisers, having been teaching since 1988.
He offers his own workshops, weekly classes and individual sessions, helping his clients recover from injury, build health and relaxation and improve performance at work and play. He has presented for many organisations including CAE, Arthritis Foundation, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Gawler Foundation and RMIT.
He teaches with clarity, respect and good humour, combining fun with serious learning. You can visit his website or Facebook page.
Important info:
Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash
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