What’s it all about?
Fruit butters / curds / cheeses. Whatever you call it the name is not a good description of this delicious spread to smoother over croissants, toast and meringues.
Did your gran make it for you? Fond memories of little tarts filled with lemon butter? How about making your own?
What will we cover?
With assistance from class members we will make a batch of a fruit butter. Maybe lime, mango, passionfruit, raspberry – not sure yet. Everyone will have a jar to take home so get in some croissants. And the added extra is a quick course in meringues and pavlova to use up the egg whites.
(Warning… eggs and dairy!)
Who will be teaching?
Jennifer has been a food manufacturer for the past 15 years and has a great interest in messing about with food. When her grandmother died she asked for the preserving pan and handwritten cookery book that had been used so well over many, many years. And yes, her nan made lemon butter.