What’s it all about?
Climate change. It’s a global problem that requires unified action to reach a sustainable solution. While individuals and groups are passionately and effectively advocating for sustainable change, global problems need global solutions.
So what exactly is the world doing about climate change? What are governments deciding? Are we taking global climate action?
What will we cover?
This class will look at the frameworks, negotiations and actions being taken to tackle climate change at a global level. We will explore the United Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and other key agreements that have taken place since the Framework was created in 1992.
We’ll then explore what happened at COP21 in Paris late last year. We’ll talk about what’s being decided, how requirements are being met by developed and developing countries and we’ll examine how different parts of the world will be affected in different ways. Through role plays and discussion, we’ll simulate our own version of a global conference and see what gets agreed!
Who will be teaching?
Valeria Coscini has a Masters degree in International and Comparative Law from Monash University and a (nerdy) passion for all things related to international law. When she’s not tracking down the latest international issue she’s probably out biking or hiking somewhere.