What’s it all about?
Most people can appreciate the work and craftsmanship that goes into a well developed piece of graffiti – yet few people outside of the ‘scene’ realise it all starts with the ‘tag’ or hand-style.
This is a basic introductory workshop on how to create and develop style. Learn how to step your art from a simple written word to a full-sized ‘piece’.
What will we cover?
In the class we will look at the best ways to create and develop a style for your very own graffiti tag. From there we will look at how to develop that and push your art work from a simple written word to a full-sized ‘piece’.
We also start learning how to begin ‘reading’ graffiti, and the best and safest ways to begin your art practise.
It’s designed for all ages, backgrounds and creative-abilities. No previous experience is needed!
Who will be teaching?
Pheelix is a Melbourne-based artist who has been making art for over 20 years – after thousands of pieces made and sold from the pavement to the top end of town, his new aim is to become the most widely collected yet truly non-commercial artist in Australia. He is now in process of giving away the majority of his life’s works to anyone who cares to have them. From street-art to busking, curating to working alongside a variety of contemporary artists, Pheelix has ranged from visual art to installations, from murals to performances and community art-based programs and everything in-between.
His philosophical approach has been both influential and infuriating to the art industry – he is very punk about his contribution to our collective art history and is now focusing his attention on teaching, both in person and via social-media. For more information visit ARTvsLiFE on YouTube, or follow him on Instagram – pheelix_one.