
Hola! A Little Bit of Spanish

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

Some studies have stated that Spanish is the second most widely spoken language around the world, just after Mandarin and before English. Thus, whether for travelling, business or for impressing a Spanish-speaker date, in one point of your life you will have to face a situation where, at least, a “hello” and “good bye” in Spanish will be welcomed. So come along and have a first look at this beautiful language!

What will we cover?

For you to get a taste of Spanish, the session will be focused on basics, such as:

  • Greetings
  • Personal presentation
  • Asking for directions
  • Useful phrases and vocabulary

Who will be teaching it?

TaniaTania comes from the beautiful south of Mexico and Spanish is her native language. She loves her culture and can teach you everything you want to know about it. She’s a newlywed, crazy in love and this makes her want to be the best person in the world, to stay positive and to put love in every single thing she does. She has been living in Melbourne for 2 years and just finished her master in Global Media Communication. She has experience in media, graphic design, events and she’s crazy about any kind of DIY projects.