What’s it all about?
What’s better than a cold beer on a hot day? A cold beer on a hot day that you’ve brewed yourself. If you like good beer then be warned – the beer you make homebrewing will be some of the best you’ll ever drink.
Come join us in creating hand-made beers as well as tasting a few (just so you know what to aim for…)
What will we cover?
We’ll go over the basic “brewing theory” first – what grains, hops and yeasts really do, both in the beers you like, and in the beers you don’t. Then we’ll get straight into learning the brewing process, complete with a live demonstration at the front of the class.
There will be tasters going around throughout the night and once you have had a taste of these delicious beers you will surely be tempted to start making beers of your very own… your spare time need never be empty again!
Who will be teaching?
Adrian has made hundreds of litres of beer, one batch at a time. He wasn’t satisfied with the brewing kits on the market, so he made his own. BrewSmith was founded to bring high quality, and easy-to-use home brewing kits in Australia. Local beer starts in your kitchen!