
It’s All About Perception

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

Do you consider yourself an aggressor or a victim? Or maybe more of a creator? Is everything always someone else’s fault? Ever wondered how you can allow yourself to be more empowered?

This workshop is all about why we react to the things that we do and different ways to respond to them instead.

What we will cover?

In this workshop we will be covering such topics as:

  • Cause vs. effect
  • Reflections
  • The three stages in the pendulum of human behaviour

We will also have a couple fun activities to really help us anchor in these teachings and take away a slightly different perspective on the things we’d like to change.

Who will be teaching?

Daniel DayDaniel Day runs his own business that helps clients overcome barriers in their emotions and allows them to let go of past negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Daniel has been trained in fields such as neuro-linguistic programming, time line therapy, hypnotherapy, coaching and is currently gaining his Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.