What’s it all about?
Do you aspire to be the trendy equivalent of a cat-lady… the thriving indoor plant person? Dreaming of a home filled with happy, green plants bursting with life? Take the first step and come along to our beginners’ session that’s all about house plants. Learn the skills you’ll need for success in keeping your house plants alive, with some essential horticultural theory. Empower your inner green-thumb and prune away the fear of killing your plants!
What will we cover?
In this workshop we will talk about the needs of your plants including watering, sunlight and soil along with practical tips such as selecting plants that are more resilient to indoor gardeners on their path to success (that’s you!). We will cover potting techniques, understanding micro-climates within your home as well as touch on some of the problems, pests and diseases and their remedies – you’ll be ready to tackle these head on, if and when they pop up.
Who will be teaching?
Sara Guggenbuhl is passionate about helping others learn new crafts and have a go at something they’ve always wanted to try. Not only a qualified Interior Architect and Designer, Sara also has 13 years’ experience teaching beginners how express their crafty and creative side and understands it’s not always easy when you’re learning how to DIY. Sara’s favourite colour is green, and if it fills her home in the form of a living jungle of plants, that’s perfect.