What’s it all about?
Photography is often thought of as something that we go somewhere to do – to record an event such as a birthday, to take images of our family, or to record a historic occasion.
But did you know that you’re probably sitting within a few feet of fascinating and detailed photographic subjects right now as you’re reading this? Macro photography, or the art of the extreme close-up, can make everyday objects look intriguing, surreal, or even completely bizarre! And the great thing is that whether you have a digital compact camera or a top of the line digital SLR, you have the capability to create these images right now.
What will we cover?
This is a one-night beginner class for those with an interest in taking images which are interesting, quirky and fun. Ideally you know how your camera works, but if you’re not sure, you might want to bring your camera manual with you. This photography class will examine some of the basics of image-making, and how this relates to the world of macro.
We’ll talk about some of the pitfalls of macro work, and how to make something relatively dull interesting and unusual. We’ll take pictures and examine how to make our images better, whether through lighting, composure or camera settings.
(Note: If you’re bringing a DSLR, it’s recommended that you bring a macro-capable lens if you have one (look for the word “macro” or a flower icon). If not, just bring what you have and we’ll make it work!)
Who will be teaching?
Leander started off taking photographs as a kid with a $20 Halina 110-Telematic. His interest was sparked again as an adult with the purchase of a cheap VGA digital camera (without even a screen!). This progressed through a fixed focal length 2 megapixel camera, a Nikon 4300 Coolpix (with zoom lens!) and he finally he took the plunge with the purchase of a Canon EOS digital SLR in 2007.
He joined a camera club in the UK, where he was involved with portraiture and model workshops, and also engaged in work for several community organisations. His chief love is street photography and portraiture, but Leander loves all aspects of photography and image making. In his other life he works with computers.