What’s it all about?
You’ve all heard that Australia’s in a ‘Mining Boom’, but what does that even mean? Why are there so many mineral resources in Australia, and why are they useful anyway? Come along and see why geology (and Australia) rocks, and how you inadvertently use geology every day of your life.
What will we cover?
We’ll start by delving into the general geologic provinces of Australia, how they have yielded Australia’s key natural resources (like iron ore, gold and coal/CSG), and how on earth we get them out of the ground in the first place. In between investigating rocks, fossils and gemstones we will explore how geology is used to make some pretty awesome stuff in this world and how you can ‘geohack’ your life to take full advantage of geologic science!
Who will be teaching?
Kitty is a professional geologist and hydrogeologist who has spent a large part of her career at mine-sites all over Australia. She has a love of rocks (including shiny ones!), understanding how they form and how we can best use the geologic resources we have. Fresh off speaking at Pint of Science Festival and TEDxYouth, she can’t wait to dig into it at Laneway Learning Science Spectacular.