What’s it all about?
A creative and restorative movement session, introducing greater awareness of your body and helping you to discover the freedom and potential of your own natural movement abilities.
Great for those who spend large chunks of their day sitting in static positions at the desk – here is a great opportunity to move, do something positive for your body and explore in a gentle and welcoming environment. Energise, breathe and restore your body through movement.
What will we cover?
The class will use various movement practices to help bring awareness into the body and provide you with options to begin exploring your own natural sense of movement. The aim of the session is not to teach any specific type of dance (no dance experience is required) but to recover something that is intrinsic and available to everyone.
The session will include:
- Gentle warm up and focus on inner body awareness,
- Introduction to the ‘elements’ of movement: weight, space, time and flow,
- Introduction to movement improvisation,
- Creative movement opportunities,
- Therapeutic movement techniques,
- Restoration and relaxation.
Who will be teaching?
Ella studied classical ballet for over 12 years and has more recently been involved in contemporary dance, improvisation, creative dance, performance works, Bollywood dance and Ashtanga yoga. Currently working as a Dance Movement Therapist with elderly groups and an adult special needs population, Ella enjoys bringing dance and movement into a variety of different settings. Ella, along with Amaia Mugica, is the co-founder of Movement Meds and ShapeShifters Dance Theatre. Currently Ella is working on a project to take Movement Meds into workplace communities as well as adult learning centres and other CBD environments.