What’s it all about?
Maybe you have you been to our Knitting 101 class and practiced your knit and purl. Perhaps you have just completed your 17th garter stitch scarf and can now knit and hold a conversation at the same time?
You are ready for then next step in your knitting adventure.
What will we cover?
As much as we love our woolly scarves there comes a time when we dream of knitting sweaters, mittens, berets and boleros. If you have been sneaking peaks at other people’s creations and thinking ‘I wonder how to do that’ then you should join us for this session.
This class is designed for people who can knit and purl and want to move on. We will look at reading a simple pattern and talk about the importance of tension. We will also learn some of the basics of creating a garment – creating a ribbed band and changing the shape of our knitted piece and joining a new ball.
Who will be teaching?
Sue is an all round-crafty lady who will try her hand at anything in realm of the domestic arts. She has spent many years wielding needles to knit, crochet, sew and embroider and uses her skills to artfully avoid doing the housework.