What’s it all about?
Women’s circles, also known as Sisterhood Circles, Red Tents, or Moon Circles (because they are often planned monthly), are emerging all over the world. Mostly a grass roots movement bringing women together in person and sometimes with a particular emphasis, for instance having beliefs in common, being at the same stage of life or sexual orientation.
After the 2017 Women’s March and the increasing visibility of the #metoo movement, it is apparent that there’s a need for women to connect and share experience to effect change. The personal has become the political. This class is open to all gender identifications and you will learn about the history and relevance of women’s circles and the transformation of deliberate women’s only space from exclusion to empowerment.
What will we cover?
- Why women only space is important in today’s society,
- the concept of “sistering” and sisterhood and the value it has for the wider community as well as for the individual.
- What actually happens in a circle, and what a circle is not for.
- The difference between Open/ Closed Circles.
- Where you can find one in your area and how to decide if it’s right for you.
Who will be teaching?
Clare was calling herself a feminist before it was cool, at the time people seemed surprised that she didn’t hate men. She was elected Women’s Officer at her Student Union in the late 90s and since settling in Melbourne has been sitting in Circles for the last 5 years and running her own for the last 3. She currently facilitates a monthly circle in Thornbury for women in caring professions / roles.