Come and learn how to have a conversation with D/deaf and hard of hearing queers who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language).
We will explore queer specific Auslan signs as well as do’s and don’ts when approaching D/deaf and hard of hearing people.
This event will be half social chats with a bunch of like minded queer people and half fun, educational and interactive workshop.
All workshops are taught by queers, for queers.
What will we cover?
In this workshop we will explore:
- LGBTQIA+ specific signs
- Brief overview of Deaf Culture and Deaf history.
- Tips on approaching D/deaf and hard of hearing people
- Conversation practice
What will I need
- Just yourself
- Auslan Interpreted
- Cheap Tix
- Share the Love Free Tix (prioritised for First Nations, Trans & Poc Attendee)
Who will be Facilitating?
Hadley (she/they) is an energetic queer human who is always on the move. Hadley is a Auslan teacher and Deaf mentor with Open That Door.
They are also passionate about mental health and advocacy for the Deaf Community.
Hadley is profoundly Deaf and uses Auslan everyday.
delsi (she/her) is a proud queer femme lady, ex-highschool teacher turned LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Trainer, Director of the org Unicorns, Marriage Celebrant and Melbourne Manager of Laneway Learning.
She loves to teach a range of Laneway Learning classes – from queer cross-stitch to LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and how to make eco-glitter bath bombs.
Important info:
Photo teachers own
Other questions or accessibility requests? Just shoot an email to delsi at