What’s it all about?
We all have lots of ratty t-shirts around the house, not suitable for the op store but too “holey” to even wear as pyjamas… Let’s give these a new life by learning how to make beautiful upcycled rugs with them!
We’ll learn how to make your own t-shirt yarn so you can turn those daggy old t-shirts into beautiful crafts and then we’ll cover the basics of fabric rugs, where to get specific materials and all the different kind of projects you can do with them.
What will we cover?
We’ll be learning:
- How to make your own t-shirt yarn out of old t-shirts. You can use this yarn to make rugs, crochet, knit, macramé and do all sorts of other crafts.
- Once we have our yarn ready, we’ll learn three different ways of using them to make rugs: braiding, frills and weaving and we’ll get going doing a braided one.
Who will be teaching?
Maria Yebra has crafted many cute and weird things in her life from fox hoodies to bias tape planters, wax skulls and cat rings. She loves to upcycle and has an extensive collection of loved “crap” she plans to turn into something useful one day.
In addition to crafting, she also has a passion for cooking and baking, light painting, Spanish shoes and running Laneway Learning.