What’s it all about?
Have you heard the news that exercise is good for your brain? If so, you’ve probably heard something along the lines of: “blah blah blah endorphins.” Well, science has come a long way since the old endorphin theory, and we now know a lot more. Exercise can improve your brain in many ways, from improving your mental health to helping you focus better while you study.
What will we cover?
We will cover:
- What actually happens to your brain when you exercise
- Some of the theory around why exercising improves your mental health and wellbeing
- Some of the research around the different ways exercise can improve your brain
Once you’re thoroughly convinced that exercise really does help your brain, we’ll cover some practical ways you can hack your own mind to improve your motivation to exercise more.
Who will be teaching?
Louise is an Exercise Physiologist specialising in mental health. She holds a Bachelor of Exercise and Health Science and a Master of Clinical exercise Physiology. She has additional training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and uses these approaches in her one-on-one work with clients. Louise also writes a blog about moving for your mind, and runs community workshops in NVC, mindful-movement, and self-compassion for exercise and health behaviours. Check out her website and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.