As Seen on MTV: MJ’s Beat It

The fire’s in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it…

The other week we pulled out the bandannas, dusted off our denim and went back to the 80s.

Liz took us through the steps to Michael Jackson’s classic Beat It routine (somehow making it seem so easy!). Then we worked on cranking up the speed and putting it to the music. We had a lot of fun and you can see a little bit of what we got up to below.

If you have an dance routine you’d love to see in the next installment of ‘As Seen On MTV’ get in touch through our Facebook Class Requests page, or drop us an email.

[youtube height=”480″ width=”853″][/youtube]

[Video audio: Beat It, by Michael Jackson.]

Showin’ how funky strong is your fight
It doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right

Just beat it


The featured image above is borrowed with thanks from Drew Cohen under a Creative Commons Licence.