What’s it all about?
Learn how to make and apply henna paste, and create beautiful designs with a dark long-lasting stain. Become familiar with what henna is, where it comes from, and how it has been used through various regions throughout the world.
You will get your own cone, and be able to apply it on yourself and a partner!
What will we cover?
We will begin by learning about what henna is and where the plant grows before discussing the stages involved in mixing your own paste, and how to source the best powder.
Following a demonstration on how to use a henna cone, and practising designs on paper, we will have a go on a partner or ourselves. We will talk about the differences between some of the henna use and styles from Judaism, Morocco and India. At the end we will go through after care of our new designs.
You don’t need to have any experience, just a desire to learn and try out this beautiful tradition.
Who will be teaching?
Ella Ruby is an artist and musician, with a passion for creative expression and sharing it with others. She loves to paint, make henna and write music.
Ella learnt to do henna during her gypsy travels through the bustling streets of Delhi. Over the past five years she has enjoyed adorning the feet and hands of fellow henna lovers at markets across Melbourne and South America. Ella enjoys studying designs from various regions around the globe, especially Jewish traditions which bring her closer to her roots. You can find her henna art on her Facebook page.