What’s it all about?
For hundreds of years, people have been enjoying chai, a spicy milk tea from India. It was originally used as a digestive aid, but now we simply make it to experience tea in a different way.
Learn how to make your own chai blend to suit your mood, and also make your home smell wonderfully spiced and delicious.
What will we cover?
In this class we will cover a little bit about the story of chai, and learn about the spices that go in to making a nice balanced cup. Did you know that chai is a metabolism booster? You’ll blend your own bespoke mix of chai to take home with you, so you can keep your metabolism burning strong all through the winter.
Who will be teaching?
Lisa is the tea and pastry specialist behind Tiny Pinecone. She grew up following her tastebuds, and this led her to working in tea houses in Hong Kong, apprenticing under pastry chefs in France, and tea masters in Taiwan. She prefers the hand-crafted life and believes life is more delicious when things are made with heart and love. Now, she is here in Melbourne for the winter, to spread the word about tea and share the flavors she has has collected during her travels. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook.