What’s it all about?
In the digital age, we have become so interested in listening to the opinions of others: from TV, radio, internet and a diverse platforms of social media. Yet, have you ever close paid attention to the internal dialogue in your mind – how do you talk to yourself about yourself? Do you criticise or encourage more? If you agree that the relationship we cultivate with ourselves underpins the foundation of our well-being and success in both life and career then this workshop is for you.
The Being Your Own Best Friend Experiment is designed to help you assess the quality of the relationship you have with the most important person in your life – YOU. It aims to help you build confidence, self-acceptance and compassion from inside out. Ultimately, you must be your own best friend, your own cheerleader and the point of equanimity while navigating the ups and downs of life
What will we cover?
Together, we will explore and learn:
- core concepts in neuroplasticity and their relevance to our daily lives;
- what Beginner’s Mind means and when and where it is needed;
- the convergence of the power of mind in both ancient wisdom and contemporary science.
- practical tools to change our mind for cultivating a more beneficial and positive mindset.
This workshop is experiential in nature, so we will learn through reflective discussions, creative meditations and various play exercise to embody the understanding for ourselves.
Who will be teaching?
Elva is the Founder of Peace Lab, which curates and conducts experiential workshops that synthesis ancient Eastern wisdom teachings and contemporary Western science theories as a unique agent for well-being and positive changes. A long-term meditator, trained in laughter yoga and positive neuroplasticity, Elva created Peace Lab to deal with stress, anxiety and negative self-talks, initially as an international student studying alone in a foreign country and then as a lawyer working in highly stressful jobs.
Although Elva used to be so serious, nowadays she feels lucky to be a “Laughing Zen Lawyer”, whereby she can share her passion for well-being and self-understanding through the creative endeavour of Peace Lab, while still being able to work as a lawyer for a global shipping line.