By Rhubarb Rhubarb Organics
What’s it all about?
Have you heard about kombucha? This drink is taking the world by storm – and it’s time you started brewing it.
From Brewing to Bottling is a crash course on kombucha, the fermented, probiotic beverage packed full of healthy bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.
Known as the ‘immortal health elixir’ by the Chinese and originating in the Far East around 2,000 years ago, kombucha has long been traditionally enjoyed for its tremendous health benefits and delicious tangy taste.
What will we cover?
Dive into kombucha culture by learning about its history and its many health benefits. Learn how to make kombucha at home, with starter kits available for purchase.
You’ll be guided through the process from start to finish so you can become a bona fide ‘kombucha crackerjack’ at home! We’ll also have some delicious samples ready for your tasting, and a 250ml bottle of Grateful Harvest kombucha to take home.
Who will be teaching?
You’ll be guided by Camilla from Rhubarb Rhubarb Organics in Preston Market. Camilla is a passionate kombucha lover and home-brewer.