
Future Ethics: Cryptocurrency

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

The internet age has seen the emergence of many any various strange and wonderful phenomenon. Of these, the advent of cryptocurrency as a popular and realistic alternative to state-backed currency is one of the stranger and most significant, threatening to turn the global financial order on its head – for better or worse. With dozens of these currencies now in circulation, massive price booms and crashes now a standard part of the market, and increasing acceptance of cryptocurrency in stores worldwide, the question needs to be asked; is this new technology something we should embrace? Or has the grand experiment failed, and should be shut down before it causes too much damage?

What will we cover?

In this class we will explore the rise of cryptocurrencies, its intentions, benefits, problems and potential implications for society going forwards. We will look at the social, political and ethical dimensions of the technology and, most importantly, see what you can do to ensure it is used for the betterment of humanity, rather than just another scam.

Gordon YoungWho will be teaching?

Gordon Young is a professional ethicist. As Principal of Ethilogical Consulting, he works with businesses, universities, and other groups to improve decision-making methods and accountability processes. Learn more at, or attend his other Laneway Learning classes, including the ‘How to Wrestle a Pig’  conflict resolution class.