Using the ingenious Feldenkrais movement exercises Ralph will guide you through a series of gentle and safe movement to free those fabulous feet!
You’ll be walking on air in no time!
Feldenkrais is a clever exercise system using gentle movement and mindfulness.
You learn to release tightness and unconscious restriction and create natural, graceful and effective actions.
What will we cover?
- This class will explain the principles of the Feldenkrais Method®, then apply them to pleasant, safe exercises to improve your body, in this case focusing on those fabulous and functional feet.
- You will find enjoyable and interesting ways to neutralise the tensions and techniques for ongoing self-maintenance.
What will you need?
- Yourself
- Closed Captions
- Discounted Early Bird tickets
- Free tickets for First Nation attendees
- Auslan Interpreted Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Ralph (he/him) is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner based in Melbourne. He is one of Australia’s most experienced Feldenkraisers, having been teaching since 1988. He offers his own workshops, weekly classes and individual sessions, helping his clients recover from injury, build health and relaxation and improve performance at work and play.
He has presented for many organisations including CAE, Arthritis Foundation, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Gawler Foundation and RMIT. He teaches with clarity, respect and good humour, combining fun with serious learning. You can visit his website or Facebook page.
Important info:
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
Any questions or other accessibility needs we can help you with? Feel free to email delsi at