Immediately following the Pandemic, the Great Resignation of 2021 happened as people left the jobs in great numbers. Since then there have also been a number of trends to claw back personal time a space: “quiet quitting” – doing no more than your job asks, “naked quitting” – leaving without another job lined up, and “lying flat” – the rejection of traditional life goals achieved through overworking.
If our work is burning us out, how do we follow our dreams? Does a dream job exist? What do we do with our time and our lives, and is it bringing us satisfaction? These are all questions of Ikigai.
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that roughly translates into “reason for being” and it’s the idea that a life with purpose is a happier life. In this practical class we’ll work through how to measure your current life satisfaction levels, how to work out your ikigai or purpose and what can happen next.
Finding your Ikigai is long process of personal exploration, self-awareness and vulnerability. This class can be the beginning of your journey to a fulfilling life.
What will we cover?
In this workshop you will learn how to:
- What is ikigai? what does purpose in life mean?
- How is ikigai measured? Test to see where you are at
- How it impacts your life satisfaction, mental health and health overall
- Exercises to start searching for your purpose in life
- Wheelchair Accessible Venue and Bathrooms
- Gender Neutral Bathrooms
- Quiet Spaces
- Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees
Who will be Teaching?
Maria (she/her) is the general manager of Laneway Learning, a marketing expert and an addicted crafter. She considers herself a “community entrepreneur”, coming up with ideas and events to connect, soothe and strengthen out communities.
She loves science, particularly neuroscience and life long learning. She has studied law, marketing, communication, positive psychology and of course attended a myriad of Laneway Learning classes.
Important info:
Have a question or other ways we can assist with accessibility? Just shoot an email to Maddy (she/her) at