What’s it all about?
A DIY workshop that will teach you how to give an amazing massage from start to finish. Awesome friends and family, and with some serious brownie points coming back to you!
What will we cover?
In a darkened room with some chill tunes and some essential oils diffusing in the background we will begin. In only 75 minutes you will be the master of your own massage destiny. Equipped with skills to unwind, relax and chill out even the hardest workers and stiffest necks. You will be adored by many, if not all. Bonus, you will be also be receiving loads of massage. Yessssssssssss.
Double bonus, you will take home mad skills + 50ml bottle of certified organic oils + massage voucher template.
- Breathing exercise to get our heads away from the office and in the right space
- Warming up the hands, fingers and arms
- There will be some slides for the theory nerds and a wee chat around safety and etiquette
- Learning 3ish Swedish techniques one by one
- Discovering how to put them in a sequence to send your recipient into an intergalactic joyous place of harmony and bliss (I’m so not even exaggerating that point)
- Practice, practice, practice
This is a hands on class. We hope that you will attend in the spirit of giving and receiving massage. Please (no, seriously, PLEASE) wear suitable attire, preferably a loose fitting cotton top that means you can easily give and get massage. Massaging in stiff collars and starched shirts is not groovy, ever, it’s also not comfortable. You’ll have to trust me on this one!
Who will be teaching?
The Green Genie (GG for short) is all for empowering healthy people for a healthy planet. She loves to share her wealth of experience in small space gardening, food foraging, green cleaning, DIY cosmetics & perfumes, quality self-care and massage. Let her lead you up the garden path to a fresh, fun approach to sustainable living and self-sufficiency.
Wanna do your homework? Check out https://www.facebook.com/thegreengenie.aus