What’s it all about?
A DIY workshop that will teach you how to turn simple fridge and pantry items, into natural, effective cosmetics, for you and friends, for health and wellness, for animals, for your back pocket and the environment. A great Christmas gift!
What will we cover?
- Equipment
- Ingredients
- Skin theory
- Formulating
- Recipes & resources
- Production to scale (important for gift size quantities)
- Packaging
- Oh yeah and we will be MAKING STUFF (take home two products and essential oils)
You’ll be going home with at least two products and a 3ml vial of special Christmassy blend essential oils to incorporate into your products at home. You’ll leave with plenty of creativity, inspiration, know-how and resources.
If you’re looking for a truly nifty, thrifty answer to gifts this giving season that will forever catapult you to stardom among friends and family, then look no further. This is the workshop for YOU! Ho ho ho!
Who will be teaching?
The Green Genie (GG for short) is all for empowering healthy people for a healthy planet. She loves to share her wealth of experience in small space gardening, food foraging, green cleaning, DIY cosmetics & perfumes, quality self-care and massage. Let her lead you up the garden path to a fresh, fun approach to sustainable living and self-sufficiency.
Wanna do your homework? Check out https://www.facebook.com/thegreengenie.aus