What’s it all about?
Have you lost your syntax? Do compound nouns send you into a spin? Gun to your head; would you be able to explain the difference between a phrasal verb, an adverb and a noun phrase? If you answered yes, yes and then no, then this class may be for you.
Grammar was shamelessly left off the school syllabus while many of us were being formally educated. While some grammarians can be a little pedantic, there is sense in understanding the structure of our own language.
Gaining a firmer grasp on our own grammar can help us understand other languages, explain ‘why’ to non-native English speakers and, of course, make us feel a little superior every now and then.
What will we cover?
We will look at the role that different types of words play in a sentence. We will delve into the differences of the past tenses. We will explore the implications of the elusive perfect tense in its differing forms. We will talk about prepositions, conjunctions, contractions, noun-phrases and punctuation!
Who will be teaching?
Claire completed a degree in English Literature but did not know what a participle was before she started working as an ESL teacher. Now, after a few years of answering grammar questions with “we’re actually talking about that tomorrow” it’s beginning to come together. She is still working as an ESL teacher and studying a Masters degree in International Relations and Journalism. She likes grapes and is starting to like grammar too.