Cheap, fun thrills to clean up spills (and other household duties!)
What’s it all about?
Green Cleaning is a vastly more sustainable and safe approach to tackle that mother of household chores… cleaning. Using the most simple and accessible of materials, a little creativity, some very basic scientific explanation, and guaranteed NO extra elbow grease we will have you knocking over the housework with time to get down to barefoot bowls and extra money in your pocket for a round! Did I mention NO EXTRA ELBOW GREASE?
What will we cover?
After a quick look at the ups for green cleaning, note we are not avoiding the downs – there just aren’t any that we know of, we will look at:
- what you need
- the jobs at hand from showers, sinks, kitchens, floors, laundry
- tried and true DIY, eco alternatives to ALL the rubbish commercial products on the market
- and for the geeks, a little bit of chit chat over how it all works
And throughout this you will be hand making a treasure trove of green cleaning products to take home for an immediate start to your commitment to a more sustainable life! Awesome right?
BONUS we will be exploring the exciting realm of using soap nuts as an all round detergent replacement. Yes, I said SOAP NUTS!
Who will be teaching it?
Shan has a green micro startup and leads a community of over 700 online peeps – promoting her green wares and sharing eco ideas. A green thinker-liver-do’er, container gardener, seed saver, food forager, enthusiastic recycler, Greens volunteer, animal lover and climate activist. You’re in good green hands when Shan gets an opportunity to chew your ears off (yes, most likely both) on how to avoid synthetic chemicals around your home and person and how to approach a fresh, green, affordable and sustainable life-path.