What’s it all about?
Down with the downlight! Lighting at home can be very expressive, and bring so much beauty to even the smallest space. Learn some principles and tricks of the trade to bring beautiful, functional and sustainable light into your home.
What will we cover?
How many times have you bought a new light globe only to find out that it’s the wrong type, too dim, too bright, or just doesn’t make your room look… nice? Lighting is what lets us see, so it’s important to get it right.
We’ll go through the basics of light – a little bit of the science and some simple maths that will help you work out which is the right light for your space.
Then, with some hands on demonstrations and design concepts from homes around the globe we’ll explore exactly how you can create great light at home – without breaking the bank.
Who will be teaching?
Adele Locke is the owner of Mint Lighting, a unique consultancy based in Melbourne that provides independent advice to home owners and designers on how to achieve beautiful, functional, and sustainable light in any home. Adele is also the President of The Lighting Society of Australia and New Zealand. She was bitten young by the lighting bug and loves sharing her experiences with light with everyone.