What’s it all about?
Macramé is the art of tying knots to create different patterns that can be used for a huge variety of crafts. Once you learn the basics of macramé, you can use your imagination to make all sorts of creative patterns to turn crystals and other ornaments into jewellery or decorations.
What will we cover?
In this class we will learn how to make a basic adjustable macramé crystal necklace using hemp cord. A range of tumbled crystals will be provided for you to choose from, and using a few simple macramé steps you will create your own hemp cord pouch for your crystal to hang from.
At the end of the class you will have a unique piece of jewellery to take or wear home.
Who will be teaching?
Gaia is completing a Masters of Criminology, and started making dreamcatchers for fun in her spare time over a year ago. Since then she has had stalls at a number of craft markets in Melbourne, selling large wooden dreamcatchers, handmade jewellery, and hair wraps. She is always looking for new ways to develop her dreamcatchers and for different crafts to dabble in. You can have a look at some examples of her creations on her Instagram page @lyrebirdcrafts and Facebook.