What’s it all about?
A nicho box, or ‘nicho’, is a three-dimensional or recessed display box, used as a portable shrine to an important figure or loved one. Nichos are popular around Latin America. They are particularly popular in Mexico and can be for spiritual or popular cultural icons. You can actually do nichos for anything: your love for plants? tropical nicho… your cat is the king? Cat shrine coming up… come and discover how much fun making these can be!
What will we cover?
In this class we will make our own wall or free standing nicho to anything you want. Be it a person, a place or just something you love.
We will talk about the history and make our own shrines. So if you want to make it to something specific to you, bring along a few objects or photos to help you on your way!
Who will be teaching?
Fran is a craft queen. Teaching everything from polymer jewellery, tassel making , screen printing to building mini models.
When not trying every craft, Fran can be found sipping on gin or whisky and helping out at Melbourne Comedy Festival. You can check her on Instagram.