What’s it all about?
Tease out your tension, stretch out your stress, palpate your problem areas, and heal your hurty bits. These simple steps apply massage for relaxation or relief of tight muscles in a 100% hands-on (‘hands on’ – get it?!) class, self massage, foam rolling and stretching included.
Perfect if you love to unwind and feel good, give and receive touch, so that you can master a basic massage sequence and bring joy to everyone who comes within arm’s reach of you (quite literally).
Warning: skills obtained in this workshop may lead to you becoming almost excessively popular!
What will we cover?
Our deskbound, device driven lives have lead us to a state of postural alert. Necks, backs and shoulders hurt, heads ache, teeth clench, core is absent and hips are flexed 24/7. You may be surprised to know that your glutes have a much more important job than cushioning you in a seated position all day!
If you’ve ever wanted to give a nice, basic massage to yourself, friends, family, or Tinder dates, this workshop is for you. A 100% slide free class, we’ll get straight into the good stuff of learning to apply simple techniques for both relaxation and relief of tight muscles. We’ll also discuss and try foam rolling, stretching and tennis ball massage.
At the end of the class you will be able to give a super nice and beneficial massage to yourself and others. Plus, there will be some home-made, vegan, organi massage oil and solid massage bars available for under $10.
Who will be teaching?
By day, Shan is a qualified and registered myotherapist and personal trainer, ironing out the postural and soft tissue dysfunctions of those in ‘knead’. By night, she is The Green Genie (GG), a passionate presenter of sustainable and healthy living topics with a sassy style and penchant for dad jokes (which shall begrudgingly be kept to a minimum at most times). GG loves gardening, trail running, animals, ukulele, making stuff and The Mighty Boosh. She’s a thrifty guru on simple, stress-free strategies of buying/using/wasting less and living lightly with compassion.