This class has different price options for those affected by the pandemic, click the register button above and see the different options
What’s it all about?
The charm of the humble doorway, old, new, worn or polished, local or from anywhere around the world. Doorways have long been an inspiration for artists and have been depicted in many forms and their images grace many walls with their unspoken mystery. They are often used as a symbol of choices to be made, the suggestions of the danger or promise of adventure on the other side? They simply beg to be opened!
Learn how to represent these in this fantastic beginners painting class.
What will we cover?
This class will focus on:
- Composition planning
- Using tone, line and expressive marks
- Developing
- Pencil and or brush techniques.
What will you need?
- Bring along photos of doorways. Even google one up In class
- Drawing paper
- Watercolour paper(preferably 180 gsm and upwards)
- Pencils for sketching
- Coloured pencils
Who will be teaching?
Nicole Kemp has been involved in teaching art and crafts for over 30 years. Nicole can be found teaching art to all ages – pre-schoolers, primary and secondary students and to adults at all stages of life. She loves the different challenges that the diverse age groups bring. She is passionate about providing a safe and friendly environment where people feel free enough to learn the basics of art and can move on to exploring and developing their own ideas.
Nicole loves exploring all areas of creativity from painting, drawing, printmaking and textiles. She is very inspired by the history of art, her travels, and the movement and colour of cities. She embeds her thoughts and feelings into all her work. Poking around suburban and city laneways provides much enjoyment, and inspiration always comes from graffiti.