What’s it all about?
Cross stitching has been used for everything from traditional sayings on centuries old samplers to sharing enthusiasm of sports teams, geeky tv programs, and subversive ideas.
In this workshop you’ll be taught how to cross stitch and how to use these new skills to create your own work of art.
What will we cover?
You’ll be guided through designing a little pixel person (be it a loved one, a superhero, a tv or film character, or anyone else you’d like to stitch) complete with words, a phrase or a date underneath. You’ll also be shown how to translate your pattern onto cloth.
You will go home with some simple diagrams to expand your knowledge along with the piece you’ve produced and the knowledge to create small but beautiful masterpieces!
All materials will be provided.
Who will be teaching?
Sayraphim Lothian is a public artist who creates playful experiences for people. Her street work attempts to inject tiny, unexpected and magical moments in passers-by’s lives. They aim to remind people of the niceness of life, as rewards for those who take the time to stop and look around them once in a while. These works can be found in streets all around the world.
Her participatory work creates bridges between participants, allowing moments of loveliness to flow between strangers. They are about the sharing of experiences and the fleeting but meaningful connections made. They are about rediscovering joy in oneself and realising it abounds in other people. Sayraphim aims to facilitate meaningful connections between people through craft.