Bringing a puppy into your life can be a rollercoaster of emotions and expectations.
Puppies have an enormous capacity to learn and become wonderful adult dogs, provided we support them and get them off to a good start.
With all the conflicting information out there, however, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.
How much sleep do puppies need? What should they eat? How do I stop them from chewing my shoes? What kind of training really matters?
Come along to discover simple and fun training approaches focused on empathy, companionship and building healthy lifelong relationships.
What will we cover?
During this workshop you will:
- Learn about key phases of puppy development
- Gain an overview of foundational information, such as sleep, housetraining, exercise, socialisation, mouthing and biting and enrichment
- Explore how your puppy sees the world, as well as what they need from us as they grow
- Closed Captions
- Early Bird Cheap Tix
- Free Tix for First Nation Attendees
- Auslan Interpreted Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Harriet (she/her) is dog crazy and has worked for many years in Europe and Australia as
a dog trainer and behaviourist.She works with individuals, families and rescues to create happy and healthy outcomes for her two and four legged clients.
She believes working with animals should always be fun, respectful and focused on great relationships rather than tricks and commands. You can find out more on her website All Dogs Are Good.
Important info:…
Any other accessibility requests or questions? Just email delsi (she/her) at