What’s it all about?
This class has been designed to show you a different purpose for your jeans – enabling them to have another life carrying booty of a different kind – come and learn to make a purse that is creative and works as a sampler for future remaking projects.
What will we cover?
In this class I will cover basic Kantha and Boro principals and provide you with the means of creating a purse to store your sewing items or perhaps other treasures. All fabrics used in this class are reclaimed, repurposed and reused and provided for you.
Who will be teaching?
Robyn Bunting is a reuse, repurpose and remake enthusiast who is the owner of : The Nicholas Building called ‘Harold and Maude‘ on level 2 of the Nicholas Building that focuses on recycling, repurposing and remaking. She has spent 35 years working in Theatre, film and television industry making all sorts of things using sewing technique of all types. .