What’s it all about?
Want to sing amazing harmonies, but don’t want to join a choir? Shape note singing is fun, loud, community-based singing that is enjoyed by people of all ages. This workshop will introduce you to a living tradition from the American South that’s enjoying a resurgence there and around the world.
What will we cover?
We will give you a quick introduction to the Sacred Harp songbook and its distinctive shaped notes. Then we’ll focus on getting you singing. You will:
- Learn a powerful set of harmonies for “Amazing Grace”
- Learn to sing boldly and confidently without straining your voice
- Celebrate hope and lament life’s hardships in four-part harmony
- Leave feeling energised!
Who will be teaching?
Natalie Sims & Shawn Whelan have been shape note singers since 2000, and host monthly Sacred Harp singings in Brunswick. They are closely connected with the shape note singing communities in the USA, UK and Europe. They have led festival workshops and appeared on national and community radio.