What’s it all about?
A few basic chords, some easy songs – come along and have some fun, and enjoy playing guitar with others. You can sing over the bum notes! Dust off that acoustic guitar.
What will we cover?
Bring along an acoustic guitar – preferably tuned before you arrive. (If you don’t own a tuner, download a free app, such as BOSS). Standard tuning – E, A, D, G, B, E. We’ll play two or three songs, after introducing some basic chords. No pressure to get it right, it’s just one night, and you can take the songs home.
A friendly, fun class for all
Who will be teaching?
Janine is song writer, and a firm believer that everyone can sing and make music, she has a background in poetry, art, textiles, sound and community performance – and enjoys getting together with others and making some noise.