What’s it all about?
The basis for all narrative comedy writing is sketch. It’s a constantly reinvented art form because it easily adapts to new media and performance spaces. This class gives you first hand experience of how sketches are created, how they generate laughs, and how to write and edit material.
We’ll analyse your favourite sketches, their tone and empower you to do your work whether you’re a new writer or a long time sketch enthusiast.
What will we cover?
We will cover:
- What are the different types of sketch comedy shows?
- An explanation and breakdown of “a motor” in a sketch.
- The relationship of tone and point of view and how they make great sketches.
- In-class activities that help you critically review material for maximum laughs.
Who will be teaching?
Josh Samuels is originally from Marin County, California, but has lived in the Southen Hemisphere for 9 years now. He is a writer of TV, theatre and a Twitter feed (but this mainly consists of puns). He has written two sketch comedy shows in the NZ International Comedy Festival and the sketch web series Sex or Breakfast.
You can check out his website or imdb.com page to prove that he is a real person.