What’s it all about?
Interested in street art and graffiti? Always wanted to know how to understand (read) it? Or who makes it and how?
This fun class will not only be an introduction to the scene but touch on the variety of techniques used to make street art and how to find it, photograph it and collect it.
What will we cover?
Designed for all ages and backgrounds, this open and discussion-based workshop is designed as an introduction to the world’s biggest art movement.
In a fun and informative way we will cover some of the history and how you can get involved – whether that is creating art, collecting it or simply appreciating it. There are some practical elements involved, but no artistic skill required.
There will also be a Q and A session in which we’ll aim to answer all the whos, hows, whys and wheres of this global art movement.
Who will be teaching?
Pheelix is a Melbourne-based artist who has been making art for over 20 years. After thousands of pieces made and sold from the pavement to the top end of town, his new aim is to become the most widely collected yet truly non-commercial artist in Australia. He is now in process of giving away the majority of his life’s works to anyone who cares to have them. From street art to busking, curating to working alongside a variety of contemporary artists, Pheelix has ranged from visual art to installations, from murals to performances and community art-based programs and everything in-between.
His philosophical approach has been both influential and infuriating to the art industry – he is very punk about his contribution to our collective art history and is now focusing his attention on teaching, both in person and via social-media. For more information visit ARTvsLiFE on YouTube, or follow him on Instagram – pheelix_one.