What’s it all about?
OK – here comes Christmas. Your friends and family have all the stuff they need, but you’d like to give them a gift. This year – how about putting some time, effort and love into a jar? Hand made goodies from your kitchen tend to be very well received!
Dukkahs, preserves, butter fruits, pickles, cordials… so many yum options! and if you recycle the jars, double win for the environment.
What will we cover?
During the class Jennifer will demo a couple of gift ideas you can do at home – boozy fruit and preserved lemons.
By the end of the class you should be chock a block full of ideas for inspired Christmas gifts for foodie friends
Who will be teaching?
Jennifer McInnes of Hells Breath has been in the business of putting things into jars for the past 20 years and loves to mess around with food. She is very keen to encourage others to also play with their food. But more importantly, she is morally opposed to the gift card cop-out as a Christmas gift.