What’s it all about?
In today’s fast-paced world, many of us have developed a tendency of constantly doing things. In this process of striving, competing and doing, somehow we seem to find more comfort in always being ‘busy’ instead of finding time to truly relax, or just be. Yet, are we human Doing or human Being?
You are invited to join us for the Experiment of Non-Doing/Being, where we will learn how to ‘be’ again. The concept of non-doing/being is essential to the Chinese wisdom philosophy of Taoism (道).
What will we cover?
Through reflective discussions, playful and mindful exercises and specially designed meditations, we will:
- Contemplate the ancient wisdom in Tao De Jing on what it means by ‘Doing & Non-Doing’;
- Reflect upon what ‘Non-Doing’ means, and what ‘being’ means in your busy modern day life and if your actions are mostly taken from a state of restless/stress or from a state of calmness;
- Explore from inside what the purposes (why) are behind your actions/doing.
Become more ‘self-aware’ and more connected with yourself, align your actions “doing” with a clear sense of purpose for better performance. Be more efficient in time management and be better at prioritising your various tasks, Learn a more balanced sense of well-being, mentally, physically and emotionally.
Who will be teaching?
Elva Zhang is the Founder & Chief Experimenter of Peace Lab, a purpose – driven start up that is committed to cultivating a deeper self-understanding and self-connection to create more well-being and reach greater human potential. At its core, Peace Lab synthesizes ancient wisdom philosophy with contemporary science theories as a unique agent for positive change, and uses various experiential mediums such as meditation, play and laughter yoga to curate fun and meaningful workshops.
Originally from China, Elva came to Australia as an international student after completing high school. She is a lawyer by profession with a master’s degree in international law from Geneva, Switzerland. Peace Lab was born out of her own experiences dealing with stress, anxiety and negative self-talks initially as an international student studying in a foreign country and then as a lawyer working in highly stressful jobs. Nowadays she is feeling lucky to be a “Laughter Zen Lawyer”, whereby she can share her passion for well-being and self-understanding through Peace Lab while still working as a lawyer for a global shipping line.