
The Wonderful World of Music

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

Music is a necessary part of human expression, one that has always accompanied our evolution. Why are we so drawn to it? What exactly is it about music that has such a profound impact on us as individuals and as a culture? Does music even matter at all?!

In this introductory music appreciation class, we’ll be discussing these interesting ideas through listening to a variety of styles. This class will introduce you to new and exciting ways of thinking about music, and help uncover the many ways we derive enjoyment from listening. With a lot of open discussion, this class is ideal for people with any musical taste who may be interested in understanding more about our relationship with the phenomenon we call music!

What will we cover?

Examples will range from Stravinsky to Miles Davis to Justin Bieber, as well as traditional folk music such as African drumming and Brazilian Bosa Nova. We will touch on how music is creatively constructed, the psychological effect it has on us, and its place in society. This class will not dive too deep into these topics; rather, we will introduce them in a relaxed and informal way. If all goes well, you’ll be coming out with new and exciting ways of understanding this necessary part of life!

Who will be teaching?

Mark is a recent graduate of Melbourne Uni, completing a diploma of Contemporary Music Performance on the guitar. He was raised from an early age on classical music through the violin. Over the last few years he has played in jazz and blues bands and is currently developing his own group. Mark is passionate about musical education and making different styles easily accessible to others.