What’s it all about?
Feel like you’re not getting what you want? Have you ever thought how your voice and body confidence affects how people perceive you in life and therefore how you obtain your goals? Our voice is a very powerful tool and how you project it and work with it affects your entire life. However we are rarely taught how to use it to our advantage. This class is all about how to use your voice and body with confidence to get what you want.
What we will cover?
We will being doing exercises which will help you understand how your voice works, how you can control it and the psychology behind it as well as effective ways that you can use your body language to communicate with more impact. It all sounds pretty serious, but it’s actually a whole lot of serious FUN while boosting your potential.
Who will be teaching?
The session will be run by Find Your Voice vocal coach and professional performer Emily Tucker. Emily’s performance skills have opened doors to working all over the world and she wants to share her secrets with you so you can achieve your goals too! Find out more on her Instagram and Facebook