What’s it all about?
Explore your creativity through drawing! Zentangle drawing is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create great pictures through the use of structured patterns. All skill levels and ages are welcome!
What we will cover?
This will focus on making your own zentangle drawing. During the class we will cover:
- Introduction to zentangle art, patterns, examples and materials.
- Techniques and quick exercises to construct your drawing.
- Draw your zentangle!
Who will be teaching?
Robert Scholten is an artist, illustrator and designer from the mean streets of St Kilda. He works across a range of projects and media, from murals to children’s books. You can often find him drawing random people in random cafes. He is very passionate about sharing creativity and has taught several art workshops across Melbourne and a few overseas. You can check him out on his website, Facebook page or his Instagram.