

The Most Beautiful Equation

What’s it all about? If a maths teacher ever told you that equations can be beautiful, the response was always ‘do you have a girlfriend, sir?’ Nothing wrong there – that’s the natural order of things. But have you ever since wondered what they could see where you could see just letters and symbols? How …


One Man’s Introduction to Jazz

What’s it all about? What the hell is jazz? How is something recognised as ‘jazz’ when other music is just random notes? The emergence of jazz in the 20th century has seen a unique form of self-expression evolve. This class will dive into discussion about this amazing art and uncover some of the mysteries behind …


Neuroplasticity: Brains on the Starting Block

What’s it all about? Why did Barbra Arrowsmith-Young decide that she could overcome her serious learning problems by changing her brain-circuitry? How did Jill Bolte Taylor recover her ability to think, walk and talk following her massive stroke? Today, we understand why neuroplasticity, our brain’s ability to form new pathways after blockages or injury, can …


Neuroplasticity: Brains on the Starting Block

What’s it all about? Why did Barbra Arrowsmith-Young decide that she could overcome her serious learning problems by changing her brain-circuitry? How did Jill Bolte Taylor recover her ability to think, walk and talk following her massive stroke? Today, we understand why neuroplasticity, our brain’s ability to form new pathways after blockages or injury, can …


Typography: Building an Alphabet

What’s it all about? Unlike handwriting, typography is constructed of a consistent visual framework. It is this framework that makes a typeface work effectively as a system of letters. For example – no less than fifteen letters of the alphabet we know are composed only of straight lines. Six of these are made up of only vertical …


A Very Crafty Way to Calm

What’s it all about? Feeling frazzled and need to take a chill pill but “don’t have time” to meditate? Know how to knit? This class could be just what you need to help unlock your inner calm and perhaps finally finish that knitting project! Not your regular ‘ommm’ class, in this meditation lesson we will …