Adventures in Cycle Touring with Anna

What’s it all about?

Travelling on a bicycle offers endless possibilities for freedom and discovery. It doesn’t matter whether your dream ride is limited to a few days somewhere close to home or extends to a multi-year global odyssey this class will provide you with inspiration and plenty of ideas for making it a reality.

What will we cover?

In the class we’ll cover how to decide what kind of bike and gear you’ll need. You’ll get an overview of some the different options available and how various choices might shape your trip.

We’ll talk about basic bike maintenance and repairs,  gear that you can make yourself, how to find your way (and the creative possibilities of getting lost) and why it is that 99.9% of the time you are perfectly safe.

You’ll discover (if you don’t already know it) that the world is your oyster and that there is probably nowhere on earth that you can’t go on a bicycle if you really want to.

Anna KortschakWho will be teaching?

She wrote the Mexico and Central American section of the Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook and many of her adventures are described on her blog A Thousand Turns.